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Mini-Zangenschlüssel Zange und Schraubenschlüssel in einem Werkzeug | 86 03 125
86 03 125
Mini Pliers Wrench
Pliers and a wrench in a single tool
Length: 125 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: plastic coated
Zangenschlüssel Zange und Schraubenschlüssel in einem Werkzeug | 86 03 250
86 03 250
Pliers Wrench
Pliers and a wrench in a single tool
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: plastic coated
Zangenschlüssel XL Zange und Schraubenschlüssel in einem Werkzeug | 86 03 400
86 03 400
Pliers Wrench XL
Pliers and a wrench in a single tool
Length: 400 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: plastic coated
Zangenschlüssel Zange und Schraubenschlüssel in einem Werkzeug | 86 05 250
86 05 250
Pliers Wrench
Pliers and a wrench in a single tool
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips
Zangenschlüssel Zange und Schraubenschlüssel in einem Werkzeug | 86 01 250
86 01 250
Pliers Wrench
Pliers and a wrench in a single tool
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 01 125
87 01 125
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 125 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 01 250
87 01 250
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 02 250
87 02 250
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: multi-component grips
KNIPEX Alligator® Wasserpumpenzange | 88 01 250
88 01 250
KNIPEX Alligator®
Water Pump Pliers
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Alligator® Wasserpumpenzange | 88 01 300
88 01 300
KNIPEX Alligator®
Water Pump Pliers
Length: 300 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
Rohrzange S-Maul | 83 30 015
83 30 015
Pipe Wrench S-Type
Length: 420 mm
Surface:  powder coated
Grips: without handle sleeves
KNIPEX TwinKey® Schaltschrankschlüssel Der Standard Schaltschrankschlüssel | 00 11 01
00 11 01
Control Cabinet Key For all standard cabinets and shut-off systems
Length: 92 mm
Selbsteinstellende Abisolierzange | 12 40 200
12 40 200
Self-Adjusting Insulation Stripper
Length: 200 mm
Surface:  powder coated
Grips: without handle sleeves
KNIPEX ErgoStrip® Universal-Abmantelungswerkzeug Für Rechtshänder | 16 95 01 SB
16 95 01 SB
KNIPEX ErgoStrip®
Universal Stripping Tool For right-handers
Length: 135 mm
Seitenschneider | 70 06 160
70 06 160
Diagonal Cutter
Length: 160 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips
Kraft-Seitenschneider | 74 06 180
74 06 180
High Leverage Diagonal Cutter
Length: 180 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips
Flachrundzange mit Schneide (Storchschnabelzange) | 26 16 200
26 16 200
Snipe Nose Side Cutting Pliers
(Stork Beak Pliers)
Length: 200 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips
Elektro-Installationszange | 13 86 200
13 86 200
Pliers for Electrical Installation
Length: 200 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips
Siphon- und Connectorenzange "SpeedGrip" | 81 01 250
81 01 250
Siphon and Connector Pliers
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
Rohrschneider Für Verbund- und Schutzrohre | 90 25 20
90 25 20
Pipe Cutter
For composite pipes and protective tubes
Length: 210 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips
Rohrschneider Für Verbund- und Kunststoffrohre | 90 25 40
90 25 40
Pipe Cutter
For composite and plastic pipes
Length: 210 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips
Werkzeugkoffer "Basic" Leer | 00 21 05 LE
00 21 05 LE
Tool Case "Basic"
Length: 410 mm
KNIPEX L-BOXX® Sanitär 52-teilig | 00 21 19 LB S
00 21 19 LB S
52 parts
Length: 357 mm
Crimpzange für Aderendhülsen | 97 71 180
97 71 180
Crimping Pliers for wire ferrules
Length: 180 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Twistor16® Selbsteinstellende Crimpzange für Aderendhülsen Mit drehbarem Crimpkopf | 97 53 18
97 53 18
KNIPEX Twistor16®
Self-Adjusting Crimping Pliers for wire ferrules With rotatable die head
Length: 200 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips
Crimp-Systemzange Für auswechselbare Crimpeinsätze | 97 43 66 EVO
97 43 66 EVO
Crimp System Pliers
For exchangeable crimping dies
Length: 200 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: multi-component grips
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 01 150
87 01 150
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 150 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 01 180
87 01 180
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 180 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 01 300
87 01 300
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 300 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 02 180
87 02 180
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 180 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: multi-component grips
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 02 300
87 02 300
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 300 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: multi-component grips
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 02 180 T
87 02 180 T
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 180 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: multi-component grips
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 02 300 T
87 02 300 T
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 300 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: multi-component grips
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 02 250 T
87 02 250 T
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  atramentised / lacquered / burnished
Grips: multi-component grips
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 03 125
87 03 125
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 125 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 03 180
87 03 180
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 180 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 03 250
87 03 250
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 03 300
87 03 300
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 300 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: plastic coated
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 05 250
87 05 250
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 250 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips
KNIPEX Cobra® Hightech-Wasserpumpenzange | 87 05 300
87 05 300
High-Tech Water Pump Pliers
Length: 300 mm
Surface:  chrome-plated / zinc-plated
Grips: multi-component grips

Pliers for the plumbing / heating / air conditioning professional

Quality for plumbing / heating / air conditioning technology

Sanitary engineering pliers from KNIPEX

When it comes to sanitary engineering, professionals use a wide range of plumbing tools in their everyday work. They most often use pliers because they can be used universally for a wide variety of jobs. Numerous advancements have improved KNIPEX pliers in such a way that they enable the specialist to work quickly, easily and safely.

Water pump pliers, pipe cutters or universal pliers: in the KNIPEX range you will find the right plumbing tool for every application. Well-thought-out technology, high ease of use and high-quality materials are quality features that make the difference for sanitary requirements.


Speaking of difference: It is often not so easy to recognise for the untrained eye. Water pump pliers and pipe wrenches are often mentioned in one breath, even though their designs are completely different. A look at our extensive range helps to understand how different the functions of a corner pipe wrench and a pliers wrench are.


Even if special care is required, you can always count on KNIPEX. Replacement jaws for siphon and connector pliers are just one of many examples of how we not only provide you with precise plumbing tools made of special tool steel  – but how we also offer plastic elements for particularly gentle solutions.


Plumbing tools and pliers from KNIPEX

KNIPEX also takes industrial requirements into account and offers a range of excellent, durable high-tech products. From the single pair of revolving punch pliers to the 52-piece tool case, everything you find at KNIPEX will advance your work.




To the product


Our classic is a good example of the permanent advancement of sanitary pliers: the KNIPEX Cobra® family, which now has 8 family members from 100 mm to 560 mm in length. The latest innovation is the KNIPEX Cobra® QuickSet. According to the motto “open fully, push in, grab”, it speeds up the screwing process considerably. When the first load is applied, the lock part engages securely – and you can start working.


Pliers wrench


To the product


The pliers wrench was designed for working on high-quality screw connections, such as brass, gunmetal or stainless steel, as well as for working on chrome-plated fittings. It combines pliers and a wrench in one tool. The basic version of the pliers wrench is available in six different sizes, with which wrench sizes of up to 85 mm or 3 3/8" can be gripped.


Pipe cutter


To the product


The innovative pipe cutter for composite and protective pipes is used when installing surface heating. It is provided with wide support jaws for the correct fixation of the tube in order to achieve a right-angled cut.

